Project-learning teaching strategies can also improve your everyday classroom experience.

Tristan de Frondeville
Credit: Courtesy of PBL Associates
As a teacher, my goal was to go home at the end of each day with more energy than I had at the beginning of the day. Seriously.
Now, as I travel the country coaching teachers on how to successfully
use project learning, my goal remains the same. And I try to teach
educators the strategies they need to achieve this goal in their own
A teacher in one of my workshops said, "When my students and I are in
the flow, then I don't feel like I have to work as hard." I heartily
agree. When 90 to 100 percent of my students are excitedly engaged in
their tasks and asking deep and interesting questions, I experience joy,
and joy is a lot less tiring than the frustration that comes with
student apathy.
Project-based classrooms with an active-learning environment make such
in-the-flow moments more common. Yet these same classrooms require many
teacher and student skills to work well. As teachers, we can feel
overwhelmed when we try something new and experience chaos instead of
The good news is that the strategies for creating and managing
high-quality project-learning environments are productive in any
classroom, whether project learning is a central part of the curriculum
or not. Here are ten ideas that you can start practicing in your
classroom today to help you create more moments of flow.
Create an Emotionally Safe Classroom
Students who have been shamed or belittled by the teacher or another
student will not effectively engage in challenging tasks. Consider
having a rule such as "We do not put others downs, tell others to shut
up, or laugh at people." Apply it to yourself as well as your students.
This is the foundation of a supportive, collaborative learning
environment. To learn and grow, one must take risks, but most people
will not take risks in an emotionally unsafe environment.
Create an Intellectually Safe Classroom
Begin every activity with a task that 95 percent of the class can do
without your help. Get your students used to the fact that when you say,
"Please begin," they should pick up a pencil and start working
successfully. This gets everyone on the bus. Then make sure your
students know that these initial easy tasks will always be followed by
increasingly challenging ones. Create rich and complex tasks so that
various students have a chance to excel and take on the role of helping
Cultivate Your Engagement Meter
Be acutely aware of when your students are paying strong attention or
are deeply engaged in their tasks. Master teachers create an
active-learning environment in which students are on task in their
thinking and speaking or are collaboratively working close to 100
percent of the time. Such teachers notice and measure not only when
students are on task but also the quality of their engagement.
Although it may take years to develop the repertoire of skills and
lessons that enable you to permanently create this active-learning
environment, you can begin by discerning which activities truly engage
your students. The more brutally honest you are with yourself, the
faster you will get there.
Create Appropriate Intermediate Steps
The first question I ask educators when I coach them on project learning
is how many of their students say, "We can't wait to do another
project," versus "Oh, no! Not another project." Teachers tend to get the
first response when they scaffold challenging tasks so that all
students are successful.
For example, take the typical task of interviewing an adult outside the
classroom. Some teachers assign the task on Monday and expect it to be
done the following Monday, confident that by including the weekend, they
are providing sufficient support. Other teachers realize that finding,
cold calling, and interviewing an adult are challenging tasks for most
young people, so they create intermediate steps -- such as
brainstorming, searching online for phone numbers, crafting high-quality
interview questions, and role-playing the interview -- that train all
students for success.
Practice Journal or Blog Writing to Communicate with Students
Japanese teachers highly value the last five minutes of class as a time
for summarizing, sharing, and reflecting. A nice way to change the pace
of your class is to have students write regular reflections on the work
they have done. Encourage and focus their writing with a prompt, such as
"The Muddiest Point and the Clearest Point: What was most confusing
about the work you did today, and what new thing was the most clear?"
Use this approach to guide future lessons and activities. Consider
writing responses to student journal entries in order to carry on a
conversation with students about their work.
Create a Culture of Explanation Instead of a Culture of the Right Answer
You know you have created a rich learning event when all
students are engaged in arguing about the best approach to the
assignment. When you use questions and problems that allow for multiple
strategies to reach a successful outcome, you give students the
opportunity to make choices and then compare their approaches. This
strategy challenges them to operate at a higher level of thinking than
when they can share only the "correct" answer. Avidly collect problems
and tasks that have multiple paths to a solution. As a math teacher, I
create problems that have a lot of numbers instead of the usual two. For
example, I can present this problem:
5 + 13 + 24 - 8 + 47 - 12 + 59 - 31 - 5 + 9 - 46 - 23 + 32 - 60
Then I can say, "There are at least three fundamentally different
strategies for doing the following problem. Can you find them all?"
Teach Self-Awareness About Knowledge
All subjects build on prior knowledge and increase in complexity at each
successive level of mastery. Effective learning requires that certain
skills and processes be available for quick recall. Many students let
too much of their knowledge float in a sea of confusion and develop a
habit of guessing, sometimes without even knowing that they are
Credit: Courtesy of Tristan de Frondeville
To help students break this habit, paste the graphic at right next to
each question on your assessments. After the students answer a question,
have them place an
X on the line to represent how sure they are
that their answer is correct. This approach encourages them to check
their answer and reflect on their confidence level. It is informative
when they get it wrong but marked "for sure" or when they do the
opposite and mark "confused" yet get the answer right.
Use Questioning Strategies That Make All Students Think and Answer
Pay a visit to many classrooms and you'll see a familiar scene: The
teacher asks questions and, always, the same reliable hands raise up.
This pattern lends itself to student inattention. Every day, include
some questions you require every student to answer. Find a question you
know everyone can answer simply, and have the class respond all at once.
You can ask students to put a finger up when they're ready to answer,
and once they all do, ask them to whisper the answer at the count of
three. They can answer yes, no, or maybe with a thumbs-up, thumbs-down,
or thumbs-sideways gesture. That also works for "I agree," "I disagree,"
or "I'm not sure."
Numerical answers under ten are easy to show with fingers, but don't
limit yourself to math questions. For instance, if you're teaching time
management, have students let you know what their progress is halfway
through the class by putting up one or more fingers to show whether they
are one-, two-, or three-quarters done with the assignment, or
finished. Do these exercises at least two or three times per class.
Practice Using the Design Process to Increase the Quality of Work
Students in school get used to doing work at a consistent level
of quality. Unfortunately, low-performing students get used to doing
poor-quality work. To help them break the habit, use a
draft-and-revision process.
Many professionals use such a design process to increase the quality of
their work. Engineers build prototypes, respond to critical feedback,
and refine their design before going into production. Artists make
sketches of big works and revise their ideas before creating their final
piece. Use the design process to drive your students to produce
higher-quality work than they are used to doing when they create only a
first effort. Include peer evaluation as part of the feedback they
Market Your Projects
When your students ask, "Why do we need to know this?" you must be ready
with the best answer possible. Great projects incorporate authentic
tasks that will help students in their lives, jobs, or relationships.
Engage students by developing an inventory of big ideas to help you make
the connections between your assignments and important life skills,
expertise, high-quality work, and craftsmanship. The
Partnership for 21st Century Skills provides a good starter list.
Also, search out the powerful processes and ideas experts in your own
subject use repeatedly. (In math, for instance, my list includes
generalizing and parts and wholes.) Keep a journal of the big ideas
you've discovered simply by teaching your subject. By continually
referring to these big ideas, you will encourage students to think and
act like subject-matter experts and develop skills they will use
throughout their lives.
Tristan de Frondeville, a former teacher who has also coached educators and written curriculum, heads PBL Associates, a consulting company dedicated to project learning and school redesign