Coming Soon

Austin Green School is in the beginning stages of development and planning. We hope to open our doors by fall 2013. Our school will be kinder through high school with the possibility of an early childhood center.
If you are interested in helping us in any way please email us at
In the mean time please enjoy our blog as we make public our efforts and experiences.
We know the road ahead will be filled with many challenges but we are determined to give the community of Austin
the gift of a progressive educational community. Wish us luck!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Project-Based Learning Videos

If you are not familiar with PBL or would like to learn more there are many informative videos out there. Just go to YouTube and search project-based learning or visit edutopia or BIE both of which are very informative sites on PBL and education issues. Here are some videos to start you off...

Project-based Learning: An Overview


Five year-olds-Pilot their own project learning

Expert Talks: Examples of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom